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Diet and lifestyle tips

There are some self-help ways to manage acid reflux and heartburn, by making some changes to your diet, and small alterations in lifestyle.

Changes to your diet

A good diet or adjusting the foods you eat can play a part in easing your symptoms. Do:

Photo Courtesy of Heartburn Cancer UK

There is more detailed information on the Eatwell Guide, via the NHS website.

What to Avoid

Certain food types can also trigger symptoms of acid reflux. These vary from person to person but common food and drinks that trigger symptoms include:

Everyone is different and there may be other things that trigger your symptoms. Keeping a diary of symptoms as well as food and drinks taken can help to identify triggers which may then be avoided.

Lifestyle Tips

  1. Raising the head end of the bed by 10 to 20cm can help avoid acid reflux. You could use a wedge-shaped pillow so that your head and chest are higher than your waist. This may help prevent stomach acid travelling upwards.
  2. Avoid or reduce smoking. Smoking and alcohol relax the sphincter muscle at the base of the oesophagus, increasing acid reflux.
  3. Find ways to relax as much as possible, to minimise stress.
  4. If you are overweight, aim to lose excess weight through a healthy diet and exercise.
  5. Avoid tight clothing around your waist.
  6. Avoid eating within 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.